
Martti V Paloheimo

L’Amour de Loin, an opera composed by Kaya Saariaho from a Lacanian perspective. Conducted by Susanna Mälkki, produced by Robert Lepage.
Performed at the Metropolitan Opera New York City December 2016.

Martti V Paloheimo

Lacan and the Buddhist Doctrine of Dependent Origination: towards a Science of the Self.
‘For the Signifier will raise dissension that is merely animal in kind, and destined to the natural fog of forgetfulness, to the immeasurable power of ideological warfare, which is merciless to families and a torment to the gods.’ Lacan Ecrits p. 417

William Urban, PhD Paper presented at Lacan Toronto July 13, 2014, as well as his dissertation on which it was based:

Dan Collins, PhD – Curriculum Vitae
Visit the Members’ site to access.

Recent Member Publications
Visit the Members’ site to access these readings.

Lacan Unpacked Readings
Visit the Members’ site to access these readings.

Doreen Dewart, BA, LLB

A paper on Jacques Lacan’s interpretation of the Oedipal mother-son drama in D H Lawrence’s classic novel: Lacan on the Oedipal in Sons and Lovers

Oren Gozlan, PhD

Oren Gozlan has written several papers on Lacanian topics:

Gozlan, O. (2008). The Accident of Gender. Psychoanalytic review 95 (4), 541-570

Gozlan, O. (2010). The Real Time of Gender. Journal of European Psychoanalysis 30

Gozlan. O. (2011). Transsexual Surgery: A Novel Reminder and a Navel Remainder. International Forum of Psychoanalysis 20 (1), 45-52

Gozlan. O. (2011). Pictogram: Identity and the Myth of Sexual Difference. Other/Wise (International Forum of Psychoanalytic Education). Vo. 5.

Gozlan. O. (2012). Ordinary Response to Enigma, Reflection on Merle Molofsky’s “Vin Ordinaire”. Other/Wise (International Forum of Psychoanalytic Education). Vo. 9.

Gozlan, O. (2012). The Tenderness of Gender Meets the Harshness of the Psychoanalytic Clinic. Other/Wise (International Forum of Psychoanalytic Education). Vo. 9.

Gozlan, O. (2012). Transsexuality as a State of Mind. DIVISION/Review. Winter. Vol. 7. (Forthcoming)

Book in progress: Transsexuality and the Art of Transitioning: A Lacanian Perspective. (Routledge).

James Penney, PhD

Here are the links to James’s books pages on the SUNY site:

Amazon has their “look inside” feature operable for the more recent book and you can read the first chapter of both via the SUNY site.

Clive Thomson, PhD

(1) “Are All Analysts Women?” Actes du colloque: Les formations cliniques du Champ lacanien: English-Speaking Seminar in Paris, June, 2007. Colette Soler, ed., Paris: École de Psychanalyse des Forums du Champ Lacanien, 2009, Clive Thomson co-authored with Doron Almagor: pp. 55-68; Thomson Almagor Are All Analysts Women

(2) “De la pédérastie à l’homosexualité: la perversion comme site d’un nouveau rapport entre médecin et patient (1880-1900),”  in Itinerarios: Revista de estudios lingüisticos, literarios, historicos y antropologicos, Clive Thomson Vol. 10, 2009: pp. 241-252;
Thomson De la pédérastie à l’homosexualité

(3)“Psychoanalysis, Countertransference, and the Dialogical Principle.” In Authors’ Collective, Chronotope and Environs: Festschrift for Nikolay Pan’kov. Clive Thomson  Moscow: Barant, 2011:  pp. 351-361;
Thomson Psychoanalysis, Countertransference and the Dialogical Principle

(4) “Masquerade, Femininity, Sex, and the Lac/analyst,” Actes du colloque: Les formations cliniques du Champ lacanien: English-Speaking Seminar in Paris, June, 2009. Colette Soler, ed. Paris: Ecole de Psychanalyse des Forums du Champ Lacanien, 2011, Clive Thomson co-authored with Doron Almagor: pp. 103-118.
Thomson Almagor Masquerade, Feminity, Sexe and the Lacanian Analyst

(5) “Psychoanalysis, Democracy, and Dialogism,” in Mika Lahteenmaki, ed., Proceedings of the Twelth International Mikhail Bakhtin Conference. Jyvaskyla, Finland, 2006: reprinted in Bakhtiniana (Sao Paolo), Vol. 1, no. 4, 2010, Clive Thomson: pp. 155-165.
Thomson Psychoanalysis, Democracy and Dialogism

(6)  “M. Bakhtin’s Toward a Philosophy of the Act: Performance and Paranoïa,” Dialog, Karnaval, Kronotop, 38 (1), pp. 75-90. Also published in Russian in the same issue, pp. 91-108. Thomson Bakhtin Article

Judith Hamilton, MD, FRCP

“Something is Rotten…” in Hamlet’s Denmark: Claudius as perverse and psychopathic character.  Psyart Online Publications, 2011.   “Something is Rotten…” in Hamlet’s Denmark: Claudius as perverse and psychopathic character

“Contribution à la technique psychanalytique”, in Penser la Clinique Psychanalytique: Le Lacanian Clinical Forum.  Sous la direction de Gilles Chagnon, Marie Hazan and Michel Peterson.  Voix psychanalytiques edition, Liber, 2010.
“Contribution à la technique psychanalytique”

Sheila Cavanagh, PhD

Symposium and Conference Session Organizer:

“Sexuation: Encountering Gender and Sexuality: A Symposium on Lacan, Trans Studies, and Queer Theory,” Sponsored by the Speaking of Lacan Psychoanalytic Group in Toronto, and the Sexuality Studies Program and the LA&PS Faculty at York University. Bahen Centre Information Technology, University of Toronto, April 2, 2011. Speakers included Dr. Sheila Cavanagh, Dr. Mavis Himes, Dr. Patricia Elliot, and Dr. Patricia Gherovici.

“Psychoanalysis Needs a Sex Change,” Dr. Patricia Gherovici, Sponsored by the School of Women’s Studies and the Sexuality Studies Program, York University, April 3, 2011.

National Conference Presentations:

“Queer Jouissance? Gender and Sexuality in Lacanian Psychoanalysis,” Sexuation: Encountering Gender and Sexuality: A Symposium on Lacan, Trans Studies, and Queer Theory, Sponsored by the Speaking of Lacan Psychoanalytic Group in Toronto, and the Sexuality Studies Program and the LA&PS Faculty at York University. Bahen Centre Information Technology, University of Toronto, April 2, 2011.

International Conference Presentations:

“Queering Bathrooms: Gender, Psychoanalysis and Space,” American Psychoanalytic Association annual meeting, panel title: “Psychoanalysis and Space”, Washington D.C, June 4, 2011.

“Upsetting Desires in the Classroom: Pedagogy and Public Scandals, panel title: Psychoanalysis and the Diciplines, The Association for the Psychoanalysis of Culture and Society and The Center for the Critical Analysis of Contemporary Culture, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, 2001.

(2010) Queering Bathrooms: Gender, Sexuality, and the Hygienic Imagination. Toronto: The University of Toronto Press.

(2007) Sexing the Teacher: School Sex Scandals and Queer Pedagogies. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.

Edited Books:

Sheila L. Cavanagh with Angela Failler and Rachel Hurst (Forthcoming, 2012) Skin, Culture and Psychoanalysis. New York: Palgrave Macmillan

Papers in Refereed Journals:

Sheila L. Cavanagh with Heather Sykes (2006). “Transsexual Bodies at the Olympics: The International Olympic Policy on Transsexual Athletes at the Athens Summer Games.” Body and Society 12(3): 75-102. 

(2004) “Upsetting Desires in the Classroom: School Sex Scandals and the Pedagogy of the Femme Fatale.” Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society (9):315-332.

(2003) “Teacher Transsexuality: The Illusion of Sexual Difference and the Idea of Adolescent Trauma. Sexualities: Studies in Culture and Society 6 (3-4): 365-388.

Theater Projects:

Queer Bathroom Monologues. Premiered at the Toronto Fringe Festival, 2011, received the Audience Pick Award. Forthcoming professional remount, 2014, at Buddies in Bad Times Theatre, Toronto.

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